摘要: 中文名稱:鋼球與保持架兜孔間的滑動摩擦系數英文名稱:coefficient of sliding friction between the ball and the cage pocket[閱讀全文]
摘要: 中文名稱:軸承滾子長度上的載荷分布不均勻系數英文名稱:coefficient of non-uniform distribution of load on the bearing roller leng[閱讀全文]
摘要: 中文名稱:鋼球之間載荷分布不均勻系數英文名稱:coefficient of non-uniform distribution of load on the balls[閱讀全文]
摘要: 中文名稱:各列滾子之間的載荷分布不均勻系數英文名稱:coefficient of non-uniform distribution of load on rows of rollers[閱讀全文]
摘要: 中文名稱:滾動體與套圈滾道接觸處的接近量系數英文名稱:coefficient of approach amount in the contact between a rolling element an[閱讀全文]
摘要: 中文名稱:軸承零件幾何形狀系數英文名稱:coefficient for the rolling surface wear[閱讀全文]
摘要: 中文名稱:使軸承圈歪斜/使軸承圈卡住英文名稱:cock a bearing ring,to[閱讀全文]